The festive whooshing noise.

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

Maybe I am a bad mother after all: I’m sure that there are superhuman lifestyle/mum bloggers out there who have spent the last couple of weeks wrapping presents in coordinating papers, baking their own zimtsterne tree decorations and photographing springs of holly in mason jars with artistic bokeh effects. I, Unfortunately, have been even more disorganised than usual this year: unlike the lovely Eileen of The Kita Diaries, I haven’t made a Christmas cake, and I’m uncomfortably aware that the number of cards I have sent remain very firmly in the single figure range.

If I haven’t achieved anything else, though, I have managed to find the boys some Christmas jumpers…  They’re modelling them rather dashingly below, and they would like to assure you that they, and I, are wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Eoin and Ronan ChristmasThey promise they’re going to kick me into shape next year. Perhaps literally (they’re pretty tough customers). In the meantime, they’re going to chasten me by unwrapping all my presents, stealing the mince pies, and sitting on the Christmas tree decorations. Merry Christmas!

6 thoughts on “The festive whooshing noise.

  1. They are adorably charming! Do they really eat mince pies? I was in Staines with my husband on business two years ago in January. One of my very favorite grocery store finds was mince pies! I guess I could make some here but eating them in England is much better! Anyway, don’t stress about the cards, just enjoy those little rascals and take lots of merry photos.

    • Eoin loves mince pies, though Ronan hasn’t actually tried one yet: I think they’d probably be a bit rich for him at his age, though he might have other ideas! It’s a pity they don’t seem to be found internationally: they are delicious. Happy Christmas to you all!

  2. I am also a bad mother then. I haven’t even written one card yet. Actually, I wrote one for my grandparents because we went to visit them last weekend! Noah keeps bringing cards home from nursery and I just haven’t had the time (partly because I’ve been pretty unwell lately, partly because I don’t understand how some parents can make the time to write out Christmas cards for the whole class, which is what most of them have done!) to reciprocate. Every year I fully intend to do better with card sending, and every year I disappoint myself 😦

    • I have come to the conclusion that we aren’t bad mothers, we are just bad Pinterest mothers. And frankly, who has got tome for all tgat set-dressing? X

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